365- Month Six

A Short Essay on Growing Up

Funny how when you're a kid, and in my case, obsessed with growing up, you don't realize all the limitations you'll encounter as an adult. The hard choices to make, which decide the priorities of your life. The energy needed to turn existence truly what you want, instead of letting it shape itself. 

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to be a kid again.

I did everything I could (within moral reason, I was a total goodie goodie) to accelerate adulthood. At 12, I started thinking about the person I would marry (I mean, really?? Stop you knuckle head, you’re freaking everyone out). I accepted any responsibility with a huge smile on my face. I followed the rules because it would propel me to maturity faster than my counterparts. I hung out on the fringes of adult conversation. If I found myself where the kids were, the environment was annoying, and just not relatable. No thank you. Not the kids squabbling over a barbie or raging against injustices regarding nerf gun bullet distribution. I didn't care about that stuff; it wasn't interesting. I wanted to be with the people who, in my mind, were doing something, discussing issues, solving problems. The adults. 

And also the people in charge to how much cookie dough you could eat, but aaannnyway...

Looking back on childhood, I can understand my perspective. I still don’t relate to some kid behaviors or ideas (which makes parenting a fun learning experience, lemme tell you). But I do wish I had realized just how much freedom there was in childhood. How much I could do as a kid, with no strings attached, that just can’t happen as an adult. (granted there were a few blips in my timeline that required me to be way more grown up that I should have had to be, but that’s a different story)


Adulthood comes with a price, and it’s worth paying for sure. But you will be tired, and all that childhood energy will be lacking a bit. Work will be work. There is no free money. There are tons of ruts to be stuck in and a crazy amount of sacrifice to be made. Passion will ebb and flow, and following it is complete folly because folks, passion isn't and NEVER was a guaranteed constant. Cookie dough, in excess will make you put on weight, or worst case, very sick. There are plenty of people not doing anything in life, except making it hard for others, and sometimes it will be very difficult to get away from those people. Some days will be total wastes, and at times feel like it's not worth any of it. You’ll want to just turn on Netflix, and check out... And then, if you decide or are able to have children, crank all that up to 11, yo.

But I do want to encourage you, if you’ve still stuck around to read this far, that life is so worth all the hard stuff. Childhood had it’s perks, but being grown up absolutely does too. I prefer it. Adulthood doesn’t have to be a death sentence to all you are. Parenthood isn’t that either. All of those things are tough, but there is so much good to be had if we choose it. SO much to be thankful for.  

Perspective is a beautiful gift life continues to give. Negative experiences are opportunities. Screw ups are opportunities. Sacrifices are opportunities. Growing up is an opportunity denied to many, to paraphrase one of my favorite quotes.  What is it you want from life? Do you have what you’ve always wanted, but are you taking it for granted? 

What can we do with all this freedom adulthood affords? How can we grow? What decisions can we make that will result in more resources to pursue the things we truly want? What decisions can we make that will affect us positively, with good long term gains? What things can we be happy with now? More importantly, when will I have the time to make more cookie dough??!?

Oh hey, and also-here's the month of June in pictures! HA!




365- Month Five

Summer hit hard in the best way, and I've fallen behind on blogging the 365 project. 

However, it's still happening. I'm particularly proud of this batch, especially some of the shots towards the end. It can be hard to produce images you're proud of, when attention is divided between husband, kids, dog, and keeping the house running. So often, if I get into creating images, I get obsessive. This results in extreme tunnel vision, turning into a major crank when interrupted, and nothing else getting finished until the image is complete. (Not all the snapshot, phone photos of course. Those are just keeping me grounded and grab cute moments I want to remember.)

You can imagine, this is not conducive to a SAHM status. BUT, any struggle is an opportunity for growth. Taking an honest look at how I operate, hoping I can finish the summer out working with it, instead of against it. 

This is the merry month of May:



365- Month Four

April becomes the transition into something better. Something we hope for but can't fully focus in on yet. 

As the sun peeks out behind the clouds we see the hope of new beginnings. This idea that we will get up get out and try again. 

I hurt so much in stagnation. I flow in and out of myself sometimes, because I can't stand the thought of standing still. 

It hasn't always been this way. I used to bask in never changing, and now I crave it. Spring has become a manifestation of this. The desire to continue forward, regardless of where I've come from..

I get so stuck in the past, and long to go back and change a situation, react better to an encounter, have more confidence to say no, or go after my desires. I need to realize my now doesn't have to be my future, my  "wish I would have".. 

Stoping a cycle, truly changing and growing is hard and painful, but possible and rewarding.

365 Photo a Day- Month Two

Our February was

2 Birthdays, lots of Treats,

Several Archival posts, and a new place for my work on Etsy.

This Month's 28 images:

365- Month One

On the first of January, I started my second 365 project this time on Instagram. The first was derailed 6 years ago by pregnancy symptoms, and since there are no more littles planned for us, I figured 2018 was as good a time as any to hone in on my skillz every day.

So far, it's been a successful one. I've had a few days where I need to pull from my archives, and sometimes I double up if we have a particularly hectic day in the world of parenting and life. Overall, it's encouraged me to keep thinking photographically, especially since I'm not full-time in my photography work.

Here's the January bunch!

Larrabee Sunset

Over the last few days a yellow haze has settled over Bellingham. Current weather conditions have channeled smoke from Canadian forest fires all along the i-5 corridor, instead of up over the Cascades to the east. The look of this place is changed.. So much so in fact, that hardly any of the surrounding hills and mountains are visible. 

Back before the BC wildfire smoke set in, before hazy streams overtook the blue, clear skies of a Bellingham Summer, I headed to Larrabee to catch a sunset. 

It was quiet and calm, despite the number of people who also came to watch. The water even followed suit, with gentle subdued waves, despite a quickly rising tide. Rebellious gulls however, had quite a bit to say, and descended into a huge feeding frenzy over the water as the sun tucked under the horizon. Even so, it was a nice evening. It gave my ever-churning introverted mind a bit of rest. 

Looking forward to clear, clean skies again. And, sincerely wishing those affected by the fires in Canada a swift return to some sort of normalcy.



As of yesterday,my family and I have been in Bellingham WA for a year. A year! A whole year!

We've realized a dream and now, here we are, a year later. (did I mention this? I don't think I did) The last 12 months have brought many things into focus for us. We have a reasonably clear picture of what we want and where we're headed. The how is still a little blurry. So, we're trying things. Jumping into new working arrangements, getting our food in different ways, tweaking a knob here, turning a dial there. Basically, committing to new processes for a time to see if they get us closer to the life we'd like. I'm enjoying this experiment, honestly. It's a low pressure way to adopt something new, adjust as needed, try something else, and practice taking the uncontrollable in stride. I'm liking the variety of it all. I'm thankful for the opportunity to live life this way.

Moving was a good decision. We've had many challenges along the way, some stemming from the decisions we've made. Others have simply come because life is indeed, a box of chocolates. If this last year has taught me anything, it's that you *must* take the good with the bad, the mundane with the amazing. Neither can exist without the other as a measuring tool. This life, our life, is one I'm happy to be a part of, with its own unique set of challenges, but also its unique set of rewards. 

SO, without further adieu, a visual year in review, if you will (and you will, you have no say here. Also, I love you and thanks for reading, really).

**End note** One image a month doesn't seem quite fair. We've had many visits from family, made friends, taken side trips.. All of our life isn't reflected here. Many times I've purposely chosen to put down the camera. I also don't want to exclude anyone... OR I've already shared the images in another post... OR I don't want this post to go on for days.  

July- the most whirlwind month of our lives and many "firsts"

July- the most whirlwind month of our lives and many "firsts"

August- several visitors and bunches of exploring, all on virtually NO sleep (three words- six month old).

August- several visitors and bunches of exploring, all on virtually NO sleep (three words- six month old).

September-a chill month, both literally and metaphorically.

September-a chill month, both literally and metaphorically.

October- the gateway into what felt like constant sickness, but fall is so beautiful in the PNW

October- the gateway into what felt like constant sickness, but fall is so beautiful in the PNW

November- back to AL for a visit!

November- back to AL for a visit!

December- a white Christmas, lots of packages, a birthday, many colds, but we enjoyed  the season!

December- a white Christmas, lots of packages, a birthday, many colds, but we enjoyed  the season!

January- can't remember too much from this month, because we were sick constantly. Welcome to new germs.

January- can't remember too much from this month, because we were sick constantly. Welcome to new germs.

February- we celebrate a year with this one, who, as it turns out, is a cake-enthusiast.

February- we celebrate a year with this one, who, as it turns out, is a cake-enthusiast.

March- the sun shines again!

March- the sun shines again!

April- more visitors, fun places, and great spectating (not us with that hang-glider, just FYI)

April- more visitors, fun places, and great spectating (not us with that hang-glider, just FYI)

May- Bryan has a big birthday and we drive through Cascade National Park. Next time, there'll be more hiking.

May- Bryan has a big birthday and we drive through Cascade National Park. Next time, there'll be more hiking.

June- Parks, friends, art-projects, and some preschool home-schooling going on!

June- Parks, friends, art-projects, and some preschool home-schooling going on!

July- Happy 4th, and woah, wait a minute, where did the year go?!

July- Happy 4th, and woah, wait a minute, where did the year go?!