Jaxon. 12 weeks (ish).
He was such a gentleman, well-behaved and friendly, with so many smiles. AND to top it off, content to just sleep when he needed it.
Babies. Happy Babies. They spoil this photographer.
Jaxon. 12 weeks (ish).
He was such a gentleman, well-behaved and friendly, with so many smiles. AND to top it off, content to just sleep when he needed it.
Babies. Happy Babies. They spoil this photographer.
Some friends of ours invited us on the Skagit Valley Tulip Route back in April. We were a little early to the tulip party since this past winter was colder than normal. Still, it was a fun trip. I didn't get too many photos, obviously. Between keeping an eye on kids in the crowds,making sure the one strapped to me was happy, and conversing with our travel buddies, there wasn't much time to shoot. That's totally fine. It was great to explore a new area with some great friends we've made.
It's windy, or sunny, or overcast, or all of the above. This place has many emotions. Lots of things it may or may not choose to reveal through light, texture, and color. Last Sunday, for example, was a beautiful variable. A misty, wet morning, which gave way to a cerulean sky and mild temperatures. The northwest can't decide some days. This is a place that changes, shifts, and grows as much as we aspire to. It's mysterious, and uncertain, but at ease..
Meet Kate & Charlotte. Two independent, smart, energetic, and stylish gals who make a trip to Boulevard Park super enjoyable.
Charlotte is an expert runner, climber and explorer. And man, let me tell you, Kate can keep up like it's nothing, all while growing a human. I'm impressed. Growing people is hard work.
So glad I was able to photograph this special time before Charlotte becomes a big sister, and Kate has two to chase after. Thank you for being great photo companions, ladies!
Galavanting in Larrabee State Park on a day when it wasn't raining.
Fresh Air is a Key
to a short but fulfilling
Time on this Earth.
So this is Jacob, and my first set of "official" photos after a looooong hiatus. We took to the streets of downtown Bellingham for a short but uber successful senior session. Jacob is a friendly, but quiet fella who likes to ride invisible flying bicycles. You'll see what I mean in the slideshow ;-) He's a gifted theater performer, an excellent student, and plays a mean Scrabble game. Downtown Bellingham, with its subdued excitement, seemed like a fitting location for this guy.
I've decided this place is basically a portrait photographer's dream. There're so many fantastic backgrounds, both natural and manmade, and it seems completely possible to find a location to suit just about anyone. And the light , oh my word, the light!!!!!
Looking forward to stretching my photography muscles and getting out there more to explore! Interested in coming along? Fill out the messaging form on my contact page and I'll be in touch!
A couple weeks ago I took a solo outing to Boulevard. I needed to think in the quiet, eat a treat, and drink a coffee. I also wanted to stretch my photography muscles by adding variation to a scene I've seen over and over again the last several months. (Not a complaint, by the way).
Hopefully these images are different enough to post without boring anyone. Sorry, they're aren't 27. Or maybe, you're welcome? With the sheer amount of content online, and all of the various pictures, stories, comments we consume daily, I try to limit how much I'm throwing out into the internet.
Also, if I wasn't careful, this blog would just turn into one big document of Boulevard Park, established summer of 1980. ;-)
^^^^^this was AMAZING^^^^^
Eliza at One
She's a hoot. A complete ham. Loves attention, laughing, making others laugh, and bopping to a good beat. She's very animated and talkative, communicating to us all in her own little language while sometimes trying to mimic our words.
Eliza loves to climb. She makes a beeline for any un-gated stairwell and enjoys seeing how far she can get before she's caught (yikes). She also really likes food and currently has 6 teeth with more poking through.
This little bear is such a fun little soul. Can't wait to see how she grows!
Over the weekend we found another gem in our area. A spot where on a clear day the San Juans, Olympic Mountains, and even Rainer to the South are visible. The landscape in this part of the United States is just unreal.
Some lovely people even offered to shoot a few photos with all of us, which I appreciated. Thank you, whoever you are!
Our second-born will be 11 months in 4 days. Eliza's an adorable rascal- she's animated and downright hilarious in the way she tries to make other people laugh. She's congenial- doling out kisses and hugs and cuddles to people (as long as she's the one doing it- independence runeth in our family). Her favorite things are food (SOOO my child), music (with a good beat, mind you. She'll break that beat down), and climbing on just about anything.
We love this little bear :-)
By the way, Happy New Year! I hope your 2017 is smashing ;-)
We've been coughing, hacking, sniffling, breathing heavy all of December. Oh my goodness are we tired of this. I cannot stress enough the bummer that occurs when you go from a person who is never ever EVER sick to constant congestion, runny nose, and nastiness. People have told us it will get better. New place=new germs. Gosh, I hope so.
We've gotten out quite a bit despite sickness, on good days when symptoms aren't as bad or things seem to turn a corner. I hate how inconsiderate this seems, but we try to be careful. Cabin fever is real, especially when the world outside your door is so awesome. I hope we haven't spread anything. Maybe we aren't contagious anymore, just adjusting to a new location.
So, here's a mash up of random photos from late November and December. Christmas is almost a week away, which is pretty incredible. I love this time of year; despite sickness it's always a magical time.
Notice my husband can levitate snowballs in the last few photos. Kind of amazing, eh?
Four. To Infinity and Beyond
(Yes, those are my gloves in the pictures, and yes, we are going tomorrow to get her some of her own)
It has snowed here twice in the last few days, which is more than we've seen in quite a while. It did snow on occasion in AL, but rarely in December. Today, Charlotte and I went for a quick walk/hike down the street and found a pretty neat place to explore. I'm digging Bellingham in the winter, so far.
You've noticed the change around here, no? Amandapowell.net needed a major refresh. Halfway through the update, I realized I couldn't share anything new until the site was finished. SO, I'm going to be playing catch up this week. More posts to come!
These photos are from our last trip up to Picture Lake before the snow set in. We weren't there too long, and it wasn't the smoothest of visits, but it was definitely beautiful. Looking forward to seeing this area covered in snow. Hopefully we can get out there soon!
I'm not sure how October passed without a single blog post. All I know is, we were sick for about a third of it, and now it's November. Yikes.
Yesterday was Halloween, and Charlotte was completely into it. She talked most of the month about trick-or-treating and "spooky stuff."
We took her and Eliza to Fairhaven for a local business-sponsored trick or treat. It was kind of magical. Growing up in the 90's, I watched all those seasonal movies, like Casper and Hocus Pocus. These movies were set in fictitious small towns decked out in Halloween paraphernalia, with a backdrop of beautiful fall colors, and a chill in the air. Being from the South, I figured towns with this atmosphere were a Hollywood myth. Halloween in Alabama was warm and not a big deal. The people, in ever-lingering flipflops, didn't think too much of afore mentioned "spooky stuff" for various cultural reasons I won't go in to. It really just wasn't a "thing". Fall festivals and trunk or treat, yes. Halloween "stuff," no. Which is fine, I'm not saying good/bad either way.
BEST costume ever.
Fairhaven though. The stuff of movie legends. It was so neat to see this little historic district so colorful, the shop owners completely in costume, laughter, excitement, and fun in the air. It sounds corny I know, but really. It was too cool. I'm an adult and I was excited. I think Charlotte had a pretty great time too.
A couple weekends ago we went back up to Artist Point for some mountain time. We ended up hiking Table Mountain Trail with Charlotte leading the charge. Her stamina and enthusiasm were impressive. THEN, she started in with the mountain goat noises. It was a very good hike.
We turned around half way up because the non-kidfriendly trail became even more treacherous. Charlotte was pretty bummed, but handled it like a champ. She did so well, despite the stair-like climb up, then back down again.
She's getting to make some seriously empowering memories. I love how her Daddy is right there, helping her accomplish the things she's interested in.
Shout out to this girl, who after only two months of a push bike is demanding a "purple bike with petals."
We currently live 31 miles away from a volcano. Boom.
Mt. Baker is a part of the North Cascade range, which you can see on a clear day from just about anywhere in Bellingham. It's an active volcano, surrounded by several other large and incredibly beautiful mountains. Just an hour's drive from Bellingham is Artist Point, from which you can view these mountains or strike out on some very scenic trails. We took Bryan's parents there in August. The weather was fantastic, the sky was beautiful. Three or four hours passed without us even realizing.
^^Pssst...I'm a slide show! Just click the image^^
Picture Lake & Mt Shuksan
It's been a dream of ours to be in a place with BIG nature. Living here has been just as good as we'd hoped. For the next several months, this wilderness is right at our fingertips. Instead of being separated by 3 (expensive) plane tickets, and a ton of planning, we have easy access to these wild places (as long as the weather permits).
Now, responsibility doesn't allow us to just drop everything and head to the mountains whenever we feel like it. But those mountains, just knowing they exist so close to us, (even if it's only for a year) -this means freedom. That's enough.
Back in July we went on a "little adventure" in the field behind our house for some pictures. Charlotte wanted to wear one of her special occasion dresses, which was a great idea. She's growing fast, and I wanted to get photos before this particular moment in her life was past. The result was super sweet, and very much Charlotte. Outside exploring, but still in a dress.
We only spent maybe 15 minutes, but she really enjoyed herself. Kind of funny how that works. Some times I feel like I need to plan some huge thing, bursting with activities or "learning" projects, when in reality, the simplest things will do for this age. Like traipsing around in a field with a nice dress on.
Well it happened. My body finally gave it up and accepted a hardcore cold with warm and open arms. I have roots in daycare so normally my immune system is an impenetrable fortress. Not without sleep. I can count on one hand the number of *ok* sleep nights since arriving in Bellingham. My husband and I have burned the candle at both ends. We ran outta wax.
This week I've had to SLOW. DOWN. Leftovers. Ricolas. Kleenex. Lots of herbal woo-woo witchdoctor wellness tea. (this is not a paid endorsement of Kleenex or Ricola) It's been quite hard.
Today I woke up feeling a little bit better, and clearer, despite a very restless night. I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel, if we can all. just. sleep.
Maybe, just maybe, we'll all wake up tomorrow rested and well. If not, blogging is a very low-key thing. I'll just prep more posts in this down time. Silver linings :-)